Which Cosmetic Surgeries Pair Well Together?

Many different cosmetic surgeries can pair well together. If you have one plastic surgery operation already planned, finding out that another can pair well with it to enhance the results of both is incredible news. It also means more bang for your buck because of the improved results from each procedure.

However, not all plastic surgeries pair well together, so learning exactly which ones can is essential if you are considering engaging in this type of medical operation. Understanding which cosmetic surgeries pair well together can help you decide if your chosen cosmetic surgeries can be combined and whether a combination of procedures would serve your overall surgical goals.


Why Combine Plastic Surgeries? 

Combining plastic surgeries has many benefits if a patient qualifies for the procedure. For a healthy patient whose body can sustain the stress of multiple surgeries, doing multiple surgeries at once has the potential to save them time, stress, and money.

One of the primary benefits of combining procedures is that it is actually safer and healthier in the long run for healthy patients. This is because one of the most dangerous elements of combining plastic surgery procedures is the impact that general anesthesia has on the body. General anesthesia can be extremely taxing on the body’s physical systems. Engaging with general anesthesia only once, rather than multiple times, has the potential to dramatically decrease the associated risks that come with it. That said, if the combined surgeries are expected to take more than six hours, doctors do not recommend that the plastic surgeries be combined. 

In addition, undergoing multiple plastic surgery procedures at once will decrease the duration of your recovery period. You will only have to engage in one recovery period, rather than in several.


Who Can Safely Combine Procedures?

The vast majority of patients who are interested in combining procedures will find that they are approved to receive both of their selected treatments. The only obstacle that might interfere with this approval would be if a patient is not sufficiently medically fit to receive general anesthesia.

General anesthesia can be difficult on the body. Individuals who struggle with chronic health issues will likely find it difficult to be approved for multiple, or even just individual, plastic surgeries. Other qualifications your physician will typically look at include these elements of your health:

  • Whether you are a current or former smoker
  • If you are taking any over-the-counter or prescription medications
  • Your general health profile
  • Your surgical history
  • Your general lifestyle habits and physical fitness

Barring any major issues in the aforementioned categories, your surgeon will very likely approve you for the medical procedures you have requested.


Which Cosmetic Surgeries Pair Well Together? 

There are several different cosmetic surgeries that effectively pair together to offer a patient enhanced cosmetic results. The plastic surgery combinations that make the most sense and occur most often are those that combine procedures that treat similar parts of the body.

For example, it does not quite make sense to combine a Brazilian Butt Lift with neck surgery, as these procedures do not have much to do with each other in terms of the areas of the body that they impact. Below, we list and explain some of the most popular plastic surgery combinations:


Tummy Tuck and Liposuction

Tummy tucks and liposuction can pair shockingly well. These two procedures seek to achieve many of the same goals and include many of the same procedural techniques. Both surgeries seek to sculpt the midsection of the body and can work together to give a patient a sleeker and more defined gut appearance.


Tummy Tuck and Breast Augmentation

The tummy tuck and breast augmentation procedures effectively combine to give patients a total revamp of their chest’s and midsection’s appearance. Both surgeries require the patient to be placed under general anesthesia. The use of general anesthesia in both surgeries means that if you have a desire to enhance the appearance of your chest while slimming the area around your midriff, the combination of these operations could perfectly meet your needs.


Rhinoplasty and Chin Augmentation

Rhinoplasty and chin augmentation surgeries pair well because they both target the patient’s most defining facial features. A rhinoplasty is a type of plastic surgery procedure that modifies the nose. There are many different types of rhinoplasty, and most individuals who want to change the appearance of their noses can find a type that meets their expectations.

A rhinoplasty pairs well with chin augmentation, which seeks to modify the appearance of an individual’s chin. When patients combine these two procedures, their facial features become totally refashioned.


Facelift and Facial Fat Transfer

Facelifts and facial fat transfer surgeries pair well together because they both alter the overall appearance of a patient’s face. A facial fat transfer seeks to transfer fat from one area of the body where it is plentiful to areas of the face that might be sunken or swollen. When surgeons combine this procedure with a facelift, which repositions fat and muscle in the face to create a more youthful look, they can restore lost volume and heft to an individual’s face. Both operations have the physician operating on the face, so combining both procedures makes good sense if one is physically able to.


Breast Augmentation and Breast Lift

Although breast augmentation and breast lifts sound very similar, they are actually distinct procedures. A breast augmentation procedure restores volume in a patient’s breasts. There are several techniques available to accomplish this.

A breast lift, in contrast, primarily utilizes surgical techniques to counteract the effects of gravity and lift breasts that have been highly impacted by the effects of time. When a patient combines breast augmentation and breast lift procedures, they will receive a completely revamped chest appearance and remarkably long-lasting results.


Breast Reduction and Breast Lift

This type of procedure is similar to the combination mentioned above but has very different end results. A breast reduction procedure aims to reduce the size of an individual’s breasts to make them more aesthetically pleasing or to reduce their impact on an individual’s posture and quality of life.

This type of procedure can effectively combine with a breast lift, which seeks to lift an individual’s sagging or drooping breasts. After the surgeon performs the reduction, a breast lift can tighten or remove excess skin left on a patient’s chest from before the reduction.


Facelift and Blepharoplasty

A facelift also pairs very well with blepharoplasty surgery. Blepharoplasty is a type of plastic surgery that addresses issues of the eyelids. There are many different types of blepharoplasty, all of which seek to modify the eyelids and surrounding areas for either aesthetic or medical reasons.

Many different types of blepharoplasty pair very well with facelift procedures. When a patient combines these procedures, they can give a patient a totally revitalized set of impacts in terms of the general sense of youthfulness of one’s appearance.


Mommy Makeover

Although most know it as a single procedure, a mommy makeover is actually a combination of surgeries that doctors often perform together to help a woman regain elements of her figure post-surgery. People lump these procedures together into a single operation due to the frequency with which patients request doctors perform them together.

A mommy makeover typically includes breast enhancement, liposuction, tummy tuck, and possibly other procedures. The patient and surgeon will work together to customize the operation and decide which specific body parts they will enhance. Discussing the alterations you want with your physician is necessary to ensure that doctors meet your specific needs at the time of the surgery.


Complications and Incidents to Avoid

Although you can easily and effectively combine many plastic surgery procedures, some procedures should not occur at the same time. combined and possible complications to consider if you are thinking of undergoing multiple procedures.

One thing to consider is that many plastic surgery procedures do not combine well due to the fact that various surgeries have very different recovery periods that are not compatible with each other. Doing some research into whether the ideas you have surrounding your procedures are realistic can give you and your physician an advantage when drawing up a surgical plan together.

In addition, another element to consider is that most surgeons place time limits on the amount of time that a patient can spend in the operating room. For most procedures, a doctor will place a strict 6-hour time limit on how long they will allow a patient to be in surgery.

Anything longer than this has the potential to be dangerous for a patient. A trained plastic surgeon can inform you whether or not they think that your ideas for combining procedures will exceed this time frame.


Your Resource for Combined Plastic Surgical Work

Dr. Zoumalan and his team provide Los Angeles residents with some of the highest-quality plastic surgery care. If you are interested in receiving combined plastic surgery operations and want to know if you qualify, contact Dr. Zoumalan today to set up an appointment with our board-certified cosmetic surgeon.

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