Ptosis Surgery
Before and After Photo Gallery
This62 year-old female had some excess skin in her upper lids which was resulting in her having difficulty seeing well. She had to raise her brows higher to see better. She underwent upper lid ptosis surgery; redundant skin was removed using a blepharoplasty incision. The incisions healed well and she looks more awake and can see better. She also underwent lower lid cosmetic blepharoplasty to remove her excess fat pockets along with a chemical peel.
This 65 year-old female had undergone prior upper and lower lid surgery and now has droopy upper and lower lids (ptosis of upper lids and lower lid retraction). She has to raise her brows to see better. Upper lid ptosis surgery was performed using a minimally invasive technique. All the incisions on the upper lids were made internally so there are no visible scars. She also had lower lid revisional eyelid surgery using Alloderm graft and a canthoplasty. A lower lid blepharoplasty was also performed to remove her excess fat pockets. She has healed well and the upper and lower lids now rest in a more natural-looking position.
This 38 year-old femalewished to undergo upper eyelid surgery to help remove the excess kin in her upper lids. The excess skin was resulting in difficulty seeing and headaches. She also noticed some mild hollowing in her lower lid infraorbital rim area (tear trough area), which looked like mild lower lid dark circles. She underwent an upper lid blepharoplasty to remove the excess skin. Restylane hyaluronic acid fillers were also used to place volume in her lower lids at the same time to help improve her dark circles. She appears more rested after surgery and able to see better. Her headaches have also improved. This photograph was taken four months after surgery.
This 26 year old female has had a longstanding ptosis in her right upper lid and wished to have it repaired. She had such significant ptosis that her right brow was compensating to help lift her lid; as a result, her right brow was in a higher than normal position. She underwent a minimally invasive, posterior approach surgery to elevate the right lid to match her other side. No skin was removed; the whole procedure was done through incisions that are not visible. She healed well and was very happy with her results. Notice that her right brow also returned to a more normal position. She feels more awake appearing and feels great about herself and appearance.
This 69 year-old female had droopy upper lids. They were affecting her vision and wished to have them repaired. A posterior approach ptosis repair was performed using a minimally invasive technique. No skin was removed. The patient’s photographs were taken three weeks after surgery and she had minimal to no swelling by the time her post operative photograph was taken. She sees better now and very happy with her more refreshed and natural look.
This 42 year old female had longstanding droopy lids in both upper eyes most likely from long term contact lens use and wished to have them repaired. She wanted to look more awake and be able to see better. She underwent an upper lid blepharoplasty to remove the excess skin in addition to ptosis repair to lift the lids. She healed remarkably well after surgery with little to no signs of having prior surgery.
*Individual results may vary
All before and after pictures displayed are real patients who have consented to having their pictures published on our site. Individual results will vary with each patient and Dr. Christopher Zoumalan does not guarantee any outcomes of procedures shown. All pictures are meant for reference and illustrative purposes only.