Ptosis Surgery
Before and After Photo Gallery
This patient has ptosis in his upper lids and excess fat pockets in his lower lids. A minimally invasive upper lid ptosis repair was performed. Lower lid blepharoplasty was
also performed at the same time to remove excess fat pockets in his lower lids. -
This patient wanted an improvement in her upper lid position She has mild upper lid ptosis (droopy lids). A mild upper lid ptosis (micro ptosis) repair was performed. A small amount of skin was also removed. Notice the impr ovement in lid position and the symmetry between the two eyelids after ptosis surgery.
This patient noted a mild droop to her upper lids. She wished to have that corrected at the same time of having a cosmetic upper and lower lid surgery. Cosmetic surgery alone without addressing the droopy upper lid component would still leave the patient looking tired and not well rejuvenated. A mild ptosis repair allows the upper lids to be lifted to a more natural looking position. Note the improved upper and lower lid appearance after surgery.
This patient had excess skin in his upper lids and low set brows, both of which were resulting in difficulty seeing well and a very tired look. He underwent upper lid ptosis repair and brow lift to help improve his appearance and ability to see well. Note the natural looking result with the ptosis repair and brow lift. The brows are still normally positioned and still give him a masculine result.
She had droopy upper lids and some excess upper lid skin. A ptosis repair was performed to help elevate her lids to a higher position. An upper lid blepharoplasty was performed to help remove excess skin at the same time.
This patient underwent prior upper lid blepharoplasty (Asian eyelid surgery, double lid surgery) and now has residual upper lid ptosis, left lid worse than the right. She underwent posterior approach ptosis repair with no direct incision through the skin. This minimally invasive technique allowed for a natural looking result.
*Individual results may vary
All before and after pictures displayed are real patients who have consented to having their pictures published on our site. Individual results will vary with each patient and Dr. Christopher Zoumalan does not guarantee any outcomes of procedures shown. All pictures are meant for reference and illustrative purposes only.