Asian Eyelid (Double Eyelid) Surgery
Before and After Photo Gallery
Patient Seeing Straight
Patient with Eyes Closed
Patient Seeing Side
Patient Seeing Side
Our lovely patient underwent Asian eyelid surgery to remove excess skin on her upper lids and to create a higher looking crease. This type of surgery is a double eyelid surgery. The surgery is intended to open the eyes but also maintain her ethnic Asian appearance.
Patient Seeing Straight
Patient Seeing Up
Patient Seeing Side
Patient Seeing Side
This patient of Asian decent wished to rejuvenate her upper lids and lower eyelids. She has two upper lid creases, both of which were not well defined. An Asian eyelid surgery with incisional suture fixation method was used to create a deeper and more permanent crease. A lower eyelid blepharoplasty with fat repositioning was also performed at the same time. Notice the natural looking results!
Patient Seeing Straight
Patient Seeing Side
Patient Seeing Side
This patient underwent Asian eyelid surgery to create a natural looking eyelid crease. This surgery is sometimes known as “double eyelid surgery.” People of Asian descent that have excess skin that drapes over their lashes wish to undergo a double lid surgery, where a new crease is made to help allow the skin to drape at a higher point, allowing their lashes and part of their eyelid to be more visible. This procedure was performed in the office.
Patient Seeing Side
Patient Seeing Side
Patient Seeing Straight
This patient wanted to have the excess skin in her upper eyelids removed. She is of Asian descent and wanted a higher lid crease. An Asian eyelid surgery was performed to remove excess skin but to also create a higher lid crease.
Patient Seeing Side
Patient Seeing Side
Patient Seeing Straight
This patient wishedto have more of her eyelid show. She is also of Asian descent and wanted a higher lid crease. An Asian eyelid surgery was performed to remove excess skin but also recreate a higher lid crease.
This patient has noted long-standing asymmetry in his upper eyelids. He wish to undergo a procedure which will allow for him to look more symmetric, but his main concern was to maintain a natural looking appearance. He underwent an Asian eyelid surgery. This procedure is quite complex and challenging given the asymmetry, but we are able to provide a great result. His right eyelid had a new crease created to better match his left, and his left was also slightly modified at the same time. This patient was able to go back to work within a week and is healing well. This picture was only taken one month after surgery. He still has some swelling but you can certainly see how the results are thus far. The patient is extremely thrilled with his results.
*Individual results may vary
All before and after pictures displayed are real patients who have consented to having their pictures published on our site. Individual results will vary with each patient and Dr. Christopher Zoumalan does not guarantee any outcomes of procedures shown. All pictures are meant for reference and illustrative purposes only.