How to Make Dermal Fillers Last Longer

Facial filler treatments are a type of aesthetic enhancement that can round out and add fullness to various parts of a patient’s body, primarily the face. They have become an indispensable part of a plastic surgeon’s toolkit. If you are receiving this type of treatment, you likely want to extend the lifespan of your results as long as possible. Several techniques are dedicated to just that. If you are interested in receiving dermal fillers and would like to know how to extend their functionality, read this guide on maintaining dermal fillers.

What are Dermal Fillers?

Dermal fillers refer to a type of injectable that can restore lost volume to certain areas of the face. Some of the most common areas of injection include the lips, cheeks, and forehead. There are many different kinds of dermal fillers, each of which intends to produce a speci

In general, the peak results of injectables can last anywhere from 6 months to 2 years. These injectables are made out of natural or synthetic substances that are eventually reabsorbed by the body after some time.

Dermal fillers are seen as a more affordable and less invasive alternative to more intense appearance updates, such as a facelift. In this way, they serve to fill a niche in the plastic surgery market.

Why Do Dermal Filler Results Fade?

Neurotoxins are the foundation for Botox, which are injected in minute amounts into the target area. Dermal fillers are composed of many other different substances, some of which are naturally produced by the body, while others are composed of synthetic substances.

Some of the elements that can impact how long your results last include the following elements:

Location of the injection: Small doses of injectables tend to last for shorter durations than large injections.

The injectable applied: There are many different types of fillers, and each is uniquely designed to integrate into various skin types and areas. Their longevity tends to range from 4 months to 2 years.

Your environmental surroundings: External factors such as pollution and UV radiation can impact how long your injectables persist.

Your physiology: Everyone processes the substances of injectables differently, which influences the rate at which they reduce.

How to Make Dermal Fillers Last Longer

There are several steps that you can take in order to ensure that your results last. Unfortunately, you cannot make your injectables last forever, as every type of filler has a time limit of some kind. However, you should be able to extend their lifespan for at least some time by following these steps:

1. Drink Plenty of Water

Staying consistently hydrated is one of the best actions you can take to care for your body and your skin. It can keep wrinkles at bay, maintain your injections, hydrate your skin, and achieve many other things. You can also consult with your physician regarding any medical moisturizers that you can take to increase the longevity of your results.

2. Take Good Care of Your Skin

Injectables can improve the appearance of your skin, but they will only go so far if you fail to take basic care of your body. Moisturizing and choosing products that stimulate collagen production and guard against free radicals can also assist you in maintaining the health of your fillers for extended periods. If your skin structure is strong and generally healthy, you can prolong the results of toxins and dermal fillers.

Furthermore, proper nutrition and some vitamins, such as vitamin C, can help protect against damage from the sun and air pollution.

3. Avoid Excessive Sun Exposure

The UV rays of the sun can wreak havoc on your results. Overexposure to UV light can cause inflammation, which in turn can cause Botox and fillers to break down. Following this, you can extend the results of your injectables by practicing sun protection, especially immediately following your treatment. Wearing sun hats, avoiding the heat of the day, and consistently wearing sunscreen can help to increase the longevity of your fillers. In addition, you should be mindful of spending too much time on screens, as the blue light from screens can have a detrimental effect on your skin.

4. Manage Your Stress

Stress is an inevitable part of life. However, you should avoid letting stress rule your life and manage it healthily. Chronic stress can wreak havoc on the health of your skin, your health in general, and the overall durability of your dermal fillers and injectables.

High levels of stress lead to the release of hormones that impact the physiological systems of the body and, in turn, the durability of your dermal fillers. Incorporating stress relief techniques like meditation can have a considerable impact on your overall health and the longevity of your dermal fillers.

5. Eat Healthy Foods

Maintaining a healthy diet can have a significant impact on the health of your skin. In general, you should avoid eating processed and packaged foods and refrain from refined sugar. These types of foods can increase the level of inflammation in your body, which can impact your overall skin health. Instead, choose to eat healthy foods that are high in minerals and vitamins.

In particular, there is some evidence that suggests that regularly taking zinc as a supplement can have a beneficial effect on Botox. Many individuals tend to overlook the benefits of zinc and, as a result, have zinc deficiencies. By regularly taking a zinc supplement, you can take the initiative to maintain the quality of your injectables.

6. Research Your Injector

You can do yourself a big favor by choosing the right technician to administer your injectable treatment. Part of this process includes finding a technician who is board-certified by a board of her peers. Finding an experienced injector can ensure that you receive the results that you want and will reduce the chance that you have to return to the doctor’s office for revision treatment.

7. Stay Aware of Your Exercise Levels

The following may come as a surprise, but if you are an especially heavy exerciser, you may want to tone it down after you receive your injections. Botox and other fillers tend to wear away more rapidly in those who exercise especially heavily than in those who have a more relaxed exercise regime. One of the reasons that this occurs is that people tend to scrunch up their faces or squint when engaged in heavy exercise. Over time, this can take its toll on the appearance of your results. Additionally, if you exercise outside, you should wear sun protection in order to avoid the harsher elements of the sun.

When to Touch Up Your Dermal Fillers

It is common for individuals to seek out maintenance appointments to extend the lifespan of their injectables. These recurrent treatments are beneficial for individuals who have received Botox treatment, as they can actually train the target muscles to respond to the neurotoxin for extended periods.

These touch-up sessions are a faster process and less expensive appointment than your initial treatment. During these touch-ups, your doctor injects a smaller amount of toxin or filler. You and your physician can discuss whether you should head in for a follow-up and when this might be done.

Overall, you should return for touch-ups if you notice that the impact of your initial treatment has begun to wane. The duration of these fillers is contingent on the exact type of fillers received and varies from patient to patient. In addition, your lifestyle and environment will influence when you decide it is time to return to the doctor’s office for a touch-up.

Generally, we will not bar you from receiving any touch-up treatment, assuming there have been no significant adverse changes to your overall health. The relatively noninvasive nature of dermal fillers generally means that the treatment should not seriously impact the patient’s lifestyle in the immediate days following a touch-up.

The Top Surgeon in Los Angeles

Dr. Christopher Zoumalan and his award-winning team are entirely dedicated to the execution of high-quality dermal filler treatments. If you are interested in discovering whether this type of treatment would suit you, contact us today to schedule an appointment at our eyelid surgery center.

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