Celebrities Who Had Eyelid Surgery

Your eyes are often impacted the most by the effect of natural aging. The skin around your eyes is delicate and thins as you age. This can be exacerbated by harmful lifestyle habits. Many people experience puffiness, sagging, fine lines, wrinkles, and upper eyelids that look heavy. Eyelid surgery is highly effective in addressing this issue. Below you will find a number of celebrities who had eyelid surgery to address their aging eyes.

Celebrities Who Had Eyelid Surgery

The beauty of eyelid surgery is that a great surgeon can make the results look extremely natural. Top surgeons can seamlessly remove the excess skin, fat, and stretched muscle without making it look overdone. Consider the following celebrities who had eyelid surgery to improve their aesthetic.

Paris Hilton:

Often known for her catchphrase, “that’s hot!” and her notable family fortune, Paris received eyelid surgery in 2006. Her eyes were uneven looking as one eyelid was much droopier than the other. The surgery helped even out her eyes making them look uniform and youthful.

Tom Cruise:

With the Top Gun remake, Tom Cruise turned up again in the headlines for his Blockbuster hit. While Tom has naturally aged in the last few decades, he has preserved a sleek and fresh look. Part of this is due to eyelid surgery as it is said that he received lower eyelid surgery to remove pesky bags that developed under his eyes as he aged. Eyelid surgery not only addresses issues with your upper eyelid, but it can also address your under-eye areas as well.

Catherine Zeta-Jones:

Catherine is well-known in Hollywood for her roles that highlighted her appearance. She has starred in numerous major films and captured the hearts of so many Americans. To maintain her appearance, some sources believe she had eyelid surgery in combination with a brow lift and Botox injections. One of the major benefits of eyelid surgery is that it can be easily combined with other surgical and non-surgical procedures to enhance your natural beauty.

Eyelid Surgery in Beverly Hills

Eyelid surgery also has the name of “blepharoplasty.” The procedure involves the removal of excess skin and fat in your upper and lower eyelids. Upper eyelid surgery in Beverly Hills also involves the removal of stretched muscle in your upper eyelid. This helps reveal a more youthful look as sagging eyelids and bags can make you look tired and much older than you are. In some cases, upper eyelid sagging can even impact your vision.

Upper Eyelid Surgery:

Upper blepharoplasty is beneficial for those who have eyelid sagging, especially if it is so severe that it impacts your vision. Those who have significant puffiness and skin sagging are good candidates for this procedure.

Lower Eyelid Surgery:

Lower eyelid surgery in Beverly Hills is helpful if you have large bags and fat pockets underneath your eyes. Just like sagging eyelids, under-eye bags can make you look tired. The procedures can smooth out your under eye areas and reveal a more youthful aesthetic.


Depending on your unique needs, eyelid surgery in Beverly Hills can combine with other procedures. Oftentimes eyelid surgery combines with a brow lift, facelift, neck lift, and rhinoplasty. This can comprehensively address your unique issues to improve your overall appearance.

Eyelid Surgery Consultation

Eyelid surgery is an effective and minimally invasive procedure that can rejuvenate and enhance your eyes. The first step in getting eyelid surgery is to schedule a consultation with a skilled cosmetic eyelid surgeon. Dr. Christopher Zoumalan is a board-certified surgeon who has helped countless patients achieve their desired aesthetic. Contact Dr. Zoumalan and his team to schedule a consultation!

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