Eyelid Skin Cancer Treatment


[:en]Eyelid skin cancer is not something most people think about often. However, the eyelid area[:es]El cáncer de piel de párpado no es algo que la mayoría de la gente piensa con frecuencia. Sin embargo, el área del párpado[:]

Double Eyelid Surgery FAQs


The eyes are a central feature to everyone’s appearance. Asians are unique in that the shape of their eyes can vary in eyelid creases. Most …

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Male Eyelid Surgery FAQs

Blepharoplasty or male eyelid surgery has become one of the most popular male cosmetic surgeries in recent years because…

USC Oculofacial Anatomy Course 


Dr. Zoumalan recently participated in USC School of Medicine’s annual Oculofacial Anatomy Course, an anatomy course that has become a very popular and well-received instructional …

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